Is Your OC Home for Sale for the Holidays? Use it to Your Advantage!
Posted by Teresa Mihelic HelpDesk on
Check out this article originally posted at Real Estate Book, by Monica Purdue.
Just because your house is on the market doesn’t mean you have to be Scrooge this holiday season. Sharing your holiday cheer can actually be advantageous this time of the year. Check out these DO’s and DON’Ts for holiday home staging.
- White holiday lights are always in style. Accent your home’s positives with minimal string lighting along the lines of your home. And stick with white lights.  Yes it may be simple, but it is classy. Candle light accents in the windows also add to the design. Families driving around during the holidays will notice your home over others and may even grab a brochure when they realize it’s for sale!
- Share your cheer and don’t be…
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