California Wine Festival - Orange County Beachside Wine Festival
Posted by Teresa Mihelic HelpDesk on
California wine festivals have grown to become one of the most popular events, attracting thousands of people who enjoy wine tasting in a festival atmosphere that includes entertainment, foods and many vintners in one place so you can survey featured wines you may not have had opportunity to sample previously. Here's one happening right in our town of Dana Point this upcoming April 16th 2016.
When? : 4/16/2016 12:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Cost: $69 Advance Price ( but tickets at the official site)
Where? : Lantern Bay Park
25111 Park Lantern Road
Dana Point, California 92629
Experience the quintessential California wine tasting and enjoy hundreds of California's finest vintage wines, delicious gourmet food samples and lively…
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