Dana Point Real Estate News: a plan for Doheny Village
Posted by Teresa Mihelic HelpDesk on
The Doheny Village, a dream coming true? For our clients or potential home buyers looking in the areas of Dana Point, specifically those looking for homes around the Lantern Village, Del Obispo areas and Capistrano Beach, these are specially interesting news.
There's a plan from the city of Dana Point to convert the Capistrano Area that for many it's a neglected one and with tons of commercial potential, that is called Doheny Village, to an upscale shopping area. The plan is expected to be unveiled in three to four months. Ideas include more bike paths and racks, a bridge at the Doheny Village Hand Car Wash at 34241 Doheny Park Road that would link to a nearby bike path, and beautification of roads and sidewalks. The general design goals include more…
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