Found 2 blog entries tagged as orange county foreclosures.

Thanksgiving is just almost here and with all the publicity in all media about those special 'Black Friday' sales events and deals, makes you wonder what people are more excited about, the Turkey dinner or waking up at 4am in the morning to rush to some Black Friday event.

Apparently this applies to our Real Estate industry in general, as it has been reported that for many Orange County Realtors, this is no holiday weekend. People are looking for home deals and with little time in their hands, these days are the perfect opportunity for bargain shopping.

Some homes are like some famous retailers we all know about. They don't need to be under priced to still have a long list of home buyers waiting for when they become available. They don't need the…

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Now that you have your dream home, what do you do when you find that you owe more on your mortgage than the home is worth?  While it may not make you feel better, know that you are not alone.  It unfortunately has become all too common.  So, what should you do? 

First of all, don’t panic.  There are options.  They aren’t convenient, and they will hurt but you CAN get out from under it with some gut wrenching decisions and much perseverance.

Take a look at your overall financial picture.  If you don’t have to sell your home, DON’T.  Hang on to it and wait out the economy.  The “guru’s” all seem to think 3-5 years for recovery and depending on how upside down you are, you may be able to ride out the storm.  Tighten your budget so that the ride doesn’t…

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