Irvine MLS Search

Dana Point MLS SearchIf you have a specific MLS ( Multiple Listing Service) Number for a home or condo currently listed in the many neighborhoods of Irvine in Orange County with our Irvine MLS specific search all you need is that number, and we will provide all the information available about the property. There's many options to do your search: by size, price, location, and of course, you'll find the option to enter the MLS Number, or just view the results below for all the homes currently available for sale as of today. ( This page gets updated daily).

Irvine MLS Search 

Here's all the Irvine homes currently listed in the MLS in the different neighborhoods of Irvine, or follow the link above for the specific search by MLS Number.

Irvine Homes and Condos for Sale

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11 Spike Moss, Irvine


11 Spike Moss, Irvine

5 Beds 10 Baths 17,660 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24197455

Listing Agent and Office : John Cain Pacific Sotheby's Int'l Realty

17672 Cowan # B, Irvine


17672 Cowan # B, Irvine

0 Beds 0 Baths 0 SqFt Commercial Sale MLS® # CV24204719

Listing Agent and Office : David Cowell REALTY MASTERS & ASSOCIATES

51 Echo Glen, Irvine


↓ $1,492,000

51 Echo Glen, Irvine

7 Beds 13 Baths 15,024 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24111944

Listing Agent and Office : Brett Beard Pacific Sotheby's Int'l Realty

97 Canyon Creek, Irvine


97 Canyon Creek, Irvine

6 Beds 8 Baths 9,901 SqFt Residential MLS® # NP24205408

Listing Agent and Office : Jacqueline Thompson Surterre Properties Inc.

32 Sage Creek, Irvine


32 Sage Creek, Irvine

6 Beds 10 Baths 9,136 SqFt Residential MLS® # NP25011945

Listing Agent and Office : Jacqueline Thompson Surterre Properties Inc.

32 Golden Eagle, Irvine


32 Golden Eagle, Irvine

5 Beds 7 Baths 8,135 SqFt Residential MLS® # WS24231476

Listing Agent and Office : Ying Ye Signature One Realty Grp, Inc

60 Canyon Creek, Irvine


60 Canyon Creek, Irvine

5 Beds 6 Baths 7,112 SqFt Residential MLS® # NP24157338

Listing Agent and Office : Jacqueline Thompson Surterre Properties Inc.

174 Leafy Pass, Irvine


174 Leafy Pass, Irvine

5 Beds 6 Baths 6,070 SqFt Residential MLS® # NP24224563

Listing Agent and Office : Jacqueline Thompson Surterre Properties Inc.

50 Copper Creek, Irvine


50 Copper Creek, Irvine

5 Beds 5 Baths 7,232 SqFt Residential MLS® # NP24036962

Listing Agent and Office : Rex Mckown Compass

33 Blue Heron, Irvine


↓ $745,000

33 Blue Heron, Irvine

4 Beds 5 Baths 7,119 SqFt Residential MLS® # NP24116575

Listing Agent and Office : Jacqueline Thompson Surterre Properties Inc.

105 Shady Arbor, Irvine


105 Shady Arbor, Irvine

5 Beds 6 Baths 5,453 SqFt Residential MLS® # 25482251

Listing Agent and Office : Kyung Kim Dream Realty & Investments Inc

26 Vernal Spring, Irvine


↓ $800,000

26 Vernal Spring, Irvine

6 Beds 7 Baths 5,278 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24129583

Listing Agent and Office : Kathy Wang Pinnacle Real Estate Group

100 Headwaters, Irvine


100 Headwaters, Irvine

5 Beds 6 Baths 5,144 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC25011503

Listing Agent and Office : Wanying Zhang JC Pacific Corp

110 Fountain, Irvine


110 Fountain, Irvine

5 Beds 6 Baths 5,869 SqFt Residential MLS® # TR25009497

Listing Agent and Office : Meiling Wan Signature One Realty Group, Inc

27 Starview, Irvine


↓ $750,000

27 Starview, Irvine

5 Beds 6 Baths 5,963 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24213868

Listing Agent and Office : Rui Zhang Realty One Group West

63 Egret, Irvine


63 Egret, Irvine

5 Beds 6 Baths 4,751 SqFt Residential MLS® # IV24233252

Listing Agent and Office : Jacob Sun All Nations Realty & Investments

111 Great Oak, Irvine


111 Great Oak, Irvine

5 Beds 6 Baths 5,379 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24243041

Listing Agent and Office : Michael Hahn Compass

52 Gull Way, Irvine


52 Gull Way, Irvine

5 Beds 6 Baths 5,061 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC25004436

Listing Agent and Office : Yan Wang JC Pacific Corp

51 Shapely, Irvine


51 Shapely, Irvine

4 Beds 6 Baths 5,029 SqFt Residential MLS® # TR25010220

Listing Agent and Office : Ming Li Pinnacle Real Estate Group

17 Pemberly, Irvine


17 Pemberly, Irvine

4 Beds 5 Baths 4,379 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24244042

Listing Agent and Office : Lucy Li Alink Realty Group

28 Castlerock, Irvine


↓ $150,000

28 Castlerock, Irvine

5 Beds 5 Baths 4,550 SqFt Residential MLS® # TR23194138

Listing Agent and Office : Andy Huang Reddoor International Realty

52 Hartman, Irvine


52 Hartman, Irvine

4 Beds 5 Baths 5,046 SqFt Residential MLS® # WS24177359

Listing Agent and Office : Qian Zheng Pinnacle Real Estate Group

124 Homecoming, Irvine


↓ $1,112

124 Homecoming, Irvine

5 Beds 6 Baths 4,709 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC25011051

Listing Agent and Office : Jian Gong Keller Williams Realty Irvine

139 Drumbeat, Irvine


↑ $72,905

139 Drumbeat, Irvine

4 Beds 5 Baths 3,473 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24218779

Listing Agent and Office : Cesi Pagano Keller Williams Realty

101 Somera, Irvine


101 Somera, Irvine

5 Beds 5 Baths 3,256 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24248046

Listing Agent and Office : Tianyu Wang Pinnacle Real Estate Group

116 Quiet Place, Irvine


116 Quiet Place, Irvine

5 Beds 6 Baths 4,854 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC25009921

Listing Agent and Office : Lynn Wong Realty One Group West

131 Drama, Irvine


131 Drama, Irvine

5 Beds 7 Baths 4,605 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24238096

Listing Agent and Office : James Min Signature One Realty Group, Inc

101 Lustro, Irvine


101 Lustro, Irvine

4 Beds 5 Baths 3,554 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24219441

Listing Agent and Office : Tony Yang Real Broker

122 Bozeman, Irvine


↓ $130,000

122 Bozeman, Irvine

4 Beds 5 Baths 3,474 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24235901

Listing Agent and Office : Kathy Wang Pinnacle Real Estate Group

230 Collino, Irvine


230 Collino, Irvine

5 Beds 4 Baths 2,821 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24226123

Listing Agent and Office : Yiming Yu Realty One Group West

OCExecutives specializes in real estate transactions in Irvine, California. Contact us today to sell real estate or buy real estate listed in the communities of Irvine or for more information about any of these Irvine homes. If you would like to see a list of homes in other communities in Orange County, follow the links above, or click here for other options within the Irvine Real Estate.