Ladera Ranch MLS Search

Dana Point MLS SearchIf you have a specific MLS ( Multiple Listing Service) Number for a home or condo currently listed in the many neighborhoods or villages of Ladera Ranch in Orange County with our Ladera Ranch MLS specific search all you need is that number, and we will provide all the information available about the property. There's many options to do your search: by size, price, location, and of course, you'll find the option to enter the MLS Number, or just view the results below for all the homes currently available for sale as of today. ( This page gets updated daily).

Ladera Ranch MLS Search 

Here's all the Ladera Ranch homes currently listed in the MLS in the different neighborhoods of Ladera Ranch, or follow the link above for the specific search by MLS Number.

Ladera Ranch Homes for Sale

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6 Rickie Lane, Ladera Ranch


↓ $50,000

6 Rickie Lane, Ladera Ranch

4 Beds 5 Baths 5,918 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24127288

Listing Agent and Office : Grant Foerstel Compass

19 Dennis Lane, Ladera Ranch


↓ $125,000

19 Dennis Lane, Ladera Ranch

5 Beds 6 Baths 4,987 SqFt Residential MLS® # LG24181366

Listing Agent and Office : William Scott REGENCY REAL ESTATE BROKERS

17 Padre, Ladera Ranch


17 Padre, Ladera Ranch

4 Beds 5 Baths 5,189 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24217640

Listing Agent and Office : Tim Wolter HomeSmart, Evergreen Realty

18 Elissa Lane, Ladera Ranch


18 Elissa Lane, Ladera Ranch

5 Beds 6 Baths 4,987 SqFt Residential MLS® # IG25007649

Listing Agent and Office : Mo Azadzoi Elite REO Brokers

12 Basilica Place, Ladera Ranch


12 Basilica Place, Ladera Ranch

4 Beds 5 Baths 4,365 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC25001471

Listing Agent and Office : Maryam Amiri Redfin

8 David Street, Ladera Ranch


↓ $10,000

8 David Street, Ladera Ranch

5 Beds 5 Baths 3,893 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24234017

Listing Agent and Office : Flo Bullock Bullock Russell RE Services

6 Portalon Court, Ladera Ranch


6 Portalon Court, Ladera Ranch

4 Beds 4 Baths 2,780 SqFt Residential MLS® # 25477885

Listing Agent and Office : Roman Bruno Coldwell Banker Realty

5 Tango Lane, Ladera Ranch


↓ $20,000

5 Tango Lane, Ladera Ranch

5 Beds 4 Baths 3,080 SqFt Residential MLS® # PW24195542

Listing Agent and Office : Sang Gae OneTop Realty

53 Molly Loop, Ladera Ranch


53 Molly Loop, Ladera Ranch

4 Beds 4 Baths 2,934 SqFt Residential MLS® # WS25012051

Listing Agent and Office : Lin Li IRN REALTY

5 Taffeta Lane, Ladera Ranch


5 Taffeta Lane, Ladera Ranch

5 Beds 4 Baths 3,080 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC25003146

Listing Agent and Office : Stuart Gavan Redfin

3 Sandy Pond Road, Ladera Ranch


↑ $50,000

3 Sandy Pond Road, Ladera Ranch

4 Beds 3 Baths 2,327 SqFt Residential MLS® # LG24237469

Listing Agent and Office : Colin Rice Pacific Sotheby’s International Realty

34 Bower Lane, Ladera Ranch


↓ $27,000

34 Bower Lane, Ladera Ranch

4 Beds 3 Baths 2,825 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24200045

Listing Agent and Office : Joshua Richardson First Team Real Estate

14 La Salle, Ladera Ranch


↓ $26,000

14 La Salle, Ladera Ranch

4 Beds 3 Baths 2,380 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24205177

Listing Agent and Office : Heather Reeves Origin

15 Laurelhurst Drive, Ladera Ranch


15 Laurelhurst Drive, Ladera Ranch

4 Beds 3 Baths 2,419 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC25005545

Listing Agent and Office : Michelle Schiavo Onyx Homes

11 Chianti, Ladera Ranch


11 Chianti, Ladera Ranch

3 Beds 4 Baths 2,190 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24255274

Listing Agent and Office : Tim Wolter HomeSmart, Evergreen Realty

7 Twin Flower Street, Ladera Ranch


7 Twin Flower Street, Ladera Ranch

3 Beds 3 Baths 2,164 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC25011293

Listing Agent and Office : Tommy Lowery First Team Real Estate

106 Sellas Road, Ladera Ranch


106 Sellas Road, Ladera Ranch

3 Beds 3 Baths 1,818 SqFt Residential MLS® # PW24235558

Listing Agent and Office : Nittaya Pichedvanichok NP International Real Estate

56 Tarleton Lane, Ladera Ranch


56 Tarleton Lane, Ladera Ranch

3 Beds 4 Baths 1,919 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24199069

Listing Agent and Office : Joshua Richardson First Team Real Estate

19 Clifton, Ladera Ranch


19 Clifton, Ladera Ranch

3 Beds 3 Baths 1,694 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC25004195

Listing Agent and Office : Candice Blair Coldwell Banker Realty

23 Harwick Court, Ladera Ranch


↓ $50,000

23 Harwick Court, Ladera Ranch

3 Beds 3 Baths 1,525 SqFt Residential MLS® # OC24222227

Listing Agent and Office : Julianna Sanchez Realty One Group West

 At OCExecutives, we are specialized Realtors in the different areas of Ladera Ranch in Orange County, CA, with extensive knowledge and ready to help you with your Ladera Ranch Real Estate transaction. For more information about any of the homes listed in the Irvine different areas in the MLS Multiple Listing Service system, please contact us.